About PAPS


PAPS is the “Regional Remigration Coordinator” project – a pilot project carried out by the Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MoEPRD). The project is implemented in accordance with a task set out in the Government Action Plan in 2016 which entails carrying out actions aimed at supporting Latvian diaspora’s political and civic participation, diaspora’s involvement in the economic and cultural life of Latvia, as well as support for education and science. The project also provides support for families currently living abroad who are considering returning to Latvia.


In order to ensure targeted efforts to promote remigration, MoEPRD established a network of five regional remigration coordinators – one for each planning region – in 2018. The coordinators help both their fellow countrymen to return home and the municipalities to regain their citizens. Everyone has the opportunity to receive free advice from a regional coordinator on issues related to return to a particular region in Latvia. The coordinator is a supporter who remotely helps compatriots living abroad to consider the benefits of returning in order for them to be able to make a well-considered decision and prepare for a successful return to Latvia. Each remigrant has individual needs and circumstances that must be considered, thus the coordinator in Latvia will help find answers to all questions of interest in cooperation with municipalities and government authorities, if necessary.

The name PAPS is the abbreviation of the pilot project’s motto – “Supporting your return to your home”. The visual identity is based on traditional Latvian symbols, where the combination of symbols of the Well and the Sun represents the home that is calling for people to return. The symbol also signifies roads far and near that intersect with home at the centre, a place to return to.





Number of offers made
Persons returned to Latvia (with the assistance of coordinator)
Number of serviced persons